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Welcome Dr. Bingfeng Bai ​from Shanghai University, China to be Committee Member!


Dr. Bingfeng Bai

Shanghai University, China

Research Area: 

E-commerce and Supply chain management; Big Data

Research Experience:

1. Bingfeng Bai*, Trend Data Product Project Based on Sales Forecast, Projcet Manager, July 2018- July 2019,

2. Bingfeng Bai*, Data Reporter Project Based on Collaborative Replenishment, Product Manager, Oct.2017- May 2018,       


3. Bingfeng Bai*. The Need of Chinese Enterprises to be Attentive to Supply Chain Fluctuations in the Later Stages of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. International financial review (Internal Journal). March 13, 2020. Paper Accepted.

4. Bingfeng Bai*, Yuan-Yin & JiaYing Li. Research on Customer Experience and Value Co-creation in the Context of Sharing Economy: A Case Study of Bike-sharing. Academic Conference of Journal of Business Research. July 11-12, 2020, Online. Paper Accepted and Presentation

5. Bingfeng Bai*. The Effects of Demand Management Capability on Performance and Organizational Learning: The Moderation of Supply Chain Flexibility. Work in progress

Important Dates

截稿日期 | Submission Deadline: 

September 15, 2020

录用通知 | Notification: 

In 7 days

大会时间 | Conference Date: 

September 18-20, 2020

Contact Us

Claire Wang/ 王老师





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